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Meeting Divergent Employee Needs Globally - Thursday September 23

Writer's picture: @AltaActuaries@AltaActuaries

In a global environment with dwindling talent pools matching skills in demand, multinational companies face the imperative of having to adapt standard approaches for employee rewards and conditions of employment to address the varying needs and preferences of a diverse workforce.

Building packages of employee compensation and benefit programs and employment models that are simultaneously attractive to employees, effective for the business, affordable for the company, legally compliant and administratively feasible is not only the latest challenge for employers, but a matter of business survival.

Join Alta's Global Consulting Actuaries, Miguel Santos and Douglas Carey, along with Globalization PartnersTalent Acquisition Manager, Pooja Chugh, for a discussion on compensation and benefits models, how they have evolved and how companies can create solutions that are best adapted for a diverse workforce.

We hope you will join us in our discussion on meeting divergent employee needs globally.

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